" A smoke detector, save whoever wants to!"

A fire can spread very quickly. Every second counts. Smoke detectors play a crucial role because they signal any smoke development and warn you in time, even when you are sleeping. But are smoke detectors compulsory in Belgium? Here's the situation.

A fire can spread very quickly. Every second counts. Smoke detectors play a crucial role because they signal any smoke development and warn you in time, even when you are sleeping. But are smoke detectors compulsory in Belgium? Here's the situation.

Smoke detectors in Flanders
Smoke detectors are already mandatory since 2013 in rental housing, student residences, social housing, new construction, and renovated homes. Since 1 January 2020, this obligation has been extended to all houses in Flanders.

==>Smoke detectors must bear the CE mark and comply with the NBN EN 14604 standard.

Smoke detectors in Brussels
Since 1 July 2005, smoke detectors have been compulsory in rented accommodation in the Brussels-Capital Region. It is compulsory to place a smoke detector in every space you have to walk through to get from the bedroom door to the exit.

==>The device must comply with the Belgian standard for smoke detectors (NBN EN 14604) and be certified by Bosec, VDS or BS.

Smoke detectors in Wallonia
Smoke detectors have been compulsory throughout Wallonia since 1 July 2006. The number of smoke detectors depends on the type of property.
- Apartment: if you live in an apartment of less than 80 sqm, you must install a smoke detector. If it is larger, you must install two.

- House: 1 smoke detector per building layer is compulsory. An intermediate floor is considered a separate floor. If the surface area of a building layer exceeds 80 sqm, you must install two smoke detectors there.

==>The device must comply with the Belgian standard for smoke detectors (NBN EN 14604) and be certified by Bosec, VDS or BS.

At the expense of the tenant or the owner?
It is the responsibility of the owner to buy a smoke detector and to install it (or have it installed).

It is then the responsibility of the tenant to maintain it (replace batteries, etc.).




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